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5 Quick Takeaways from the Last Two Years

The last few years have caused a focus shift toward virtual events in our industry.

Here’s 5 quick takeaways from the last 2 years:

1. We prefer to be in person.

There is no substitute for being in person and having face to face interactions. We are thankful that the day is drawing near where we can all gather together again, without hesitation, and make those lasting in person connections. Events that cultivate those moments together and captivate an audience collectively, in the same space, are truly what makes us thrive. That being said, virtual events certainly have their merit as well, and we are no stranger to virtual. Hybrid events have been the norm to us for many, many years, and there is great potential that comes from hosting virtual and hybrid events.

2. Reliability is more important than flash.

A positive that has developed over the last 2 years, is that many industry pioneers have also realized the potential of virtual/hybrid and have developed some great platforms and integrations to further enrich the virtual attendee experience. However, not all streaming platforms are created equal. We have found that while there is a vast sea of streaming platforms available with many exciting features like chat, networking rooms, polling, emojis, etc., the most important thing to consider when choosing your platform, is reliability. We always steer our clients to a platform that we can monitor closely and have direct contact to a dedicated support person, who will be ready to respond immediately during the event if needed. The internet can never fully be controlled, so we like to put in as many safeguards as possible to mitigate the risks that are inherent with streaming. Flash and features are great, but reliability is better.

3. It’s important to establish multi-level engagement for in-person as well as virtual.

With all the advancements that have been made, it is crucial to remember the engagement elements of both attendees (virtual and in-person). This is something we’ve had to cultivate throughout our many years of hybrid events. There are two audiences to consider, and each is having a different experience. You need to take into account what the event for the virtual audience is like, and find creative ways to enrich their experience, as well as engage those who are in person. What that looks like for those at home, will be different than for those in person.

4. We need meaningful events/interactions.

Whatever the method of communication, virtual or in person, the message and heart of the event is always what’s most important. You can have the best venue, the highest quality tech, and the most polished presentation, but unless your message is meaningful and truly speaks to the audience, your event will not be successful. It is our job to take the meaningful message and help you share it in the most effective way.

5. Smaller can be better.

Now that we can get together in person, many are seizing the opportunity. However, quite a few clients are still hesitant to host large scale, live events. We have found that clients are looking to find that balance of having the energy and connection of an in person audience, and yet be responsible. No longer does one ask, “how many people can we fit?”, but instead, “who do we want to be there?”. With the reduced head count, and therefore venue size, the focus can be on creating the most visually appealing and highest technically advanced events, as well as facilitating networking and making meaningful connections. Sometimes, a more intimate experience can better serve your needs.

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